Web3 Entrepreneur

Community Builder




Web3 Entrepreneur Community Builder Author Consultant Speaker

Steve - @NFTbark on X - is an avid tech enthusiast who co-authored the first Harvard Business Review article about NFTs. He and that same co-author wrote The Everything Token, a best-selling book about NFTs, to demystify the new technology and share a framework for success in this novel industry. 

Steve also cohosts Coffee with Captain, a daily morning show about Web3 that receives more than 300,000 annual listeners. Additionally, he consults with businesses on their Web3 strategy, including native NFT brands like Doodles and OnChain Monkey, and large legacy organizations like Starbucks. 

Steve has spoken at industry-leading conferences including VeeCon and NFT NYC, presented at universities including Harvard and the University of Virginia, and large organizations like Progressive Insurance and Edleman. His personal features and interviews include Forbes, Bloomberg Radio, TechCrunch, and a Google Talk.

Prior to working in Web3, Steve spent 15+ years in communications and marketing, including stints in leadership at Progressive Insurance and Nestlé.

Read the Harvard Business Review Article here: How NFTs Create Value

Inspired by the Harvard Business Review Article

Harvard Business School professor and a16z crypto research partner Scott Kominers and career marketer and Web3 entrepreneur Steve Kaczynski demystify the coming digital revolution, showing how NFTs will transform our online and offline interactions.

NFTs aren’t just pictures on the internet, or a fad that has come and gone. Rather, they're a new technology for creating digital assets and providing irrefutable proof of ownership. NFTs open up markets that have never before existed, and are already revolutionizing commerce and brand-building at everything from hot startups to Fortune 500 companies.

Keynote Speaker

I’ve spoken at Fortune 500 companies, some of the world’s top agencies, and been a featured presenter at multiple conferences including NFT.NYC, VeeCon, and Art Basel.


Brands I’ve
Worked With





dGEN Network



Hot Pockets


Lean Cuisine

Sweet Earth
